What is the most important pre-marital question?
Of all the questions about many topics, pre-marital questions is my favourite. People who consider marriage to be of little or no significance might disagree with this.
I believe that of all the premarital questions there are, the most important one is "Who am i?"
Although this question does not have to do marriage, it can play a significant role in the success of that union.
It is impossible to know who you are and understand yourself (what we love, dislike, our virtues, flaws, and faults). This is similar to having no understanding of another person.
It is possible to not understand another person and cause conflict. These conflicts can result in disagreement, arguments, enmities, and so on. They can exist in all kinds of relationships (courtships, families, friends, and of course marriage) matrimony.
The biblical golden rule is love thy neighbor as thy self, and if we do not know how to love our selves first, we have no way of actually learning how to love our neighbor (this would include our family members, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends and of course husband/wife).
Knowledge is the key to love. Understanding yourself and other aspects of your life can help you appreciate who you really are. You can learn to appreciate yourself and others, even your spouse, no matter how complicated the premarital question may be.
You can get all the pre-marital questions answered by this question, as it starts with you first and not who you will be marrying.
There will be differences of opinion on pre-marital questions. However, I guarantee that most people will agree to what is best for them in a relationship.
People seem to prefer to take advantage of the relationship and not give up their own personal needs.
Don't believe me? The marriage statistics clearly indicate that more than half of all marriages end with divorce.
Google Trends can be used to find out if people are more interested in marriage topics. But, if you search for the word sex, it will grow exponentially. It's unstoppable.
The top 5 most searched keywords on the Internet are sex. This is true worldwide. Pre-marital questions are searched for far less than this.
Many unhappy couples search online for marriage counseling. But they fail to realize that their relationship should change.
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