Christian Wife & Husband's Marriage Duties
Many people who read this article may not be aware of the fact that God designed marriage to function according to the way he created men and women. Each gender has its marital duties, which when performed correctly can make the marriage thrive. "The husband is responsible for his marital duties to his wife. The wife is responsible for hers." (1 Corinthians 7.3)
What are the biblical martial duties? In a Christ-built marriage, the husband and wife have responsibilities. This is so that the marriage can be directed and has purpose. If both the husband or wife do their jobs properly, it helps to keep the relationship organized, organized, and spiritually blessed. Everyone is happy, there is no need for anything and everyone looks within the confines of the marriage to find companionship.
"Wives are to submit to your husbands just as God requires. Ephesians 5 22) A wife is responsible for her husband's submission. God created a hierarchy within marriages according to the way he created them. Jesus Christ is supreme over the husband and wives are over the spouse in the same manner that Christ is over the church, the body of which he has become the Savior. This does not mean the man is superior over the woman brides.
God sees men as equal heirs in His kingdom. This is all that matters. While there may be a push and pull mentality among the different sexes, it doesn't mean much! You can't bring this life to heaven with your. Do you really want to prove something you can't take to heaven? It is a mistake to be so consumed with the flesh that you cannot see heaven. "For your treasure is where your heart will also be" (Matthew 6:19-21)
God chose Eve from Adams flesh and bones to illustrate that marriage is a symbol of "one flesh". The goal of marriage should always be oneness between husband and spouse. Do you see this "oneness?" in marriage today? The wife is doing her part and the husband is doing it all. They each have their own jobs and money. Is God honoring us with our marriage, or is it satan? Where is the oneness Why don't you procure spiritual treasures to take to heaven with you?
A Christian wife who rebels to her marital duty is rebelling against God. If the marriage fails to work out, it will lead to more problems, similar as what we see in today's world. Realistically, if the husband doesn't perform his marital duties to his wife well, she will have difficulty subscribing. This is exactly why Christian culture has adopted the mindset of feeling like an outsider.
The wrong attitudes that are held in high regard grow like yeast in bread dough. I'd venture to guess that 90% of Christians have been deceived. Women are deceived into believing that it is not possible to be a wife and mother. She must also go to college, have a successful career and manage her husband. Women are treated differently than men because they believe they can be equal or higher than men. Many of them believe that no man will tell them what to do.
Emasculating their wives is becoming a more common practice for men. Therefore, American men are increasingly looking abroad for suitable partners to marry so that they can find good women who will treat their man like a woman. There are many examples of such marriages, where the wives are treated with love. American women are often missing out on the blessings of a Godly marriage.
If one of the links in the marriage is weak, then the marriage will be unable to support itself. Why is it so important to have wives submit to and honor their husbands in everything? It's because her husband, as the man God created him to become, has a built-in instinct to be a provider, leader, and protector. All men have this ability. Even those who believe they were not born with it. Because a woman attempts to take her husband's position, she will end up in constant pain in her marriage. She is trying the opposite of the current.
For a man's ability to live up to his God-given calling, it is essential that he be treated as such. Any woman who attempts to subvert the natural instincts and abilities of her husband is wrong. This attitude is a result of a misguided culture.
"Husbands: Love your wives like Christ loved the church and gave his life for it." Ephesians 5.25: Husbands are instructed to love their wives, in the same manner Christ loved us and gave himself for us. This is why it's so important to learn what true love is. Love is not a superficial feeling like lust and desires, as many believe. It's principled behaviors and actions that must be pursued and sometimes sacrificed.
Without putting Jesus Christ first and utilizing the power of Holy Ghost within him, a husband can't truly love his wife. You have a treasure trove of riches to keep in your life. To love his wife in the Lord's ways, he must give up his life for hers. He will make sure that she is taken care of and satisfied. It is important for a husband to pray about this every day and ask Christ to help him love wife.
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